Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Speed Geeking Session

Here at Mashup Camp part of the open conference concept is the upcoming "speed geeking" session which will showcase about 23+ mashups that are competing here for the "best mashup" award - a niagra server from Sun, delivered by.... the president of Sun.

If you want NEWS and VIEWS about this event I'm not a good source - go to the project Wiki which is HERE and Programmable Web, John Musser's superb site about Web 2.0 and such things. John is here and very dedicated to providing a great 2.0 resource, though I think he's got a tiger by the tail and may need to choose between that and his day job (consulting) soon.

SpeedGeeks / Mashup Contest entries:
#1 Dave - StrikeIron.com
Dave Brooks - Bungee Labs
Robert - FlySpy - Airfare Search
Yogi Benjamin - GoodStorm.com.
? Mobido.com - mobile phone communities
Taylor - popbop.org - mp3 podcasts, concert info.
David - Rrove - social bookmarking with locations. Google maps.
Masterbeta ?
Mapbuilder.net - Google maps.
Universal submit - events data mashup with competitors to add events to eventful and OTHER sites....
Itunes + Ical Calendar - where and when for performers.
Bart and Frank - TrainCheck.com - Mobile phone application sends train times by phone. DC and SF.
CommerceNet Labs - MIFFY micro formats editor. Suckup vs Mashup.
Computer disposal mapping mashup.
#16 Brian - Online Training blogs? for runners, weight training, etc. Mashing with map/topography.
#17 Adrian - www.chicagocrime.org Created BEFORE the Google API. This guy is *good*.
Mosez - mobile ap for ?
Weatherbonk and Skibonk. Weather and maps and satellite stuff.
Jeff Marshall, FrozenBear Attendr for MashupCamp. Social interaction at gatherings.
Yoz? NING.com - fast social networking mashup maker
Yoz - UK Govt Data Mashups.
DudeWheresMyUsedCar.com - ebay and maps

JoeDuck's Blog